PSHE & Wellbeing
Homelessness and Sukkot
Year 4 started the morning listening to the story of Paddington Bear and thought about what would have happened to Paddington had he not met Mr and Mrs Brown. How would he have eaten food? How could he have sheltered from the rain? How would he have stayed warm?
Many of the Alma families have brought food into school this week because it is important to consider those who are homeless at Sukkot. We will donate the food to homeless charities.
The class then went outside to take part in some Sukkot activities. The first activity was a quiz which the children completed while sitting in the Sukkah. They learnt the prayers said at Sukkot when we shake the lulav and etrog. They also enjoyed a biscuit in the sunshine!
The second activity was making coloured “sand” bottles. The children thought about the Jewish people who lived in the desert for 40 years and who lived in Sukkahs. The sand must have taken on lots of different colours over time so the children recreated this using coloured chalk which they rubbed onto salt and which they then poured into glass bottles. The results were beautiful!
The third activity was a group discussion about homelessness.