Year 4 - I am Every Good Thing
1st and 8th February 2022 - Miss Rosehill's PSHE lesson
Year 4 learnt all about an amazing book, written by Derrick Barnes, called 'I Am Every Good Thing.’ The narrator shows that he has got big plans and no doubt he’ll see them through. He has amazing qualities; he’s creative, adventurous, smart, funny, and a good friend. Sometimes he falls, but he always gets back up. He demonstrates great resilience in the face of challenge. Morals are entwined throughout this book to inspire, teach and motivate the reader.
Miss Rosehill read the story and then asked the children to start creating their own ‘I am Every Good Thing’ poem. Their poetry was truly stunning and in identifying their strengths and qualities, linked beautifully to the national ‘Growing Together’ theme for Children’s Mental Health Week.
The children also completed a self-assessment task about their PSHE & Wellbeing learning this term, thinking really hard about the skills that they have developed and the areas that they want to improve on.