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Live Streaming

Information and advice about the dangers and risks involved with live streaming.

What is livestreaming?

Livestreaming is when an individual broadcasts video live over the internet. People can watch livestreams from any device that is connected to the internet.

Who is watching livestreaming?

Research from Ofcom reported that 57% of 3-17 year olds have watched live streams and the most used platforms to watch live streams were YouTube and TikTok. The research also showed that the percentage watching content on livestreaming app/sites increased by age. A third of 3-4 year olds were watching live content with this number growing to eight in ten of 16-17 year olds. This was reported in an Ofcom report from 2022 about children and parents’ media use and attitudes (

What are the risks?

There are risks associated with watching livestreams that you should be aware of. The main risk being that your child may see or hear something inappropriate as your child may come across themes or content that is not suitable for them. It is difficult to moderate live content as it is happening in real time.

How can I help my child?

  • All online platforms have an age rating, ensure your child only accesses platforms that are appropriate to their age. For example, TikTok has an age rating of 13.
  • For any platforms that your child uses, ensure appropriate parental controls and privacy settings are applied.
  • Take an interest in what your child is doing online and on a regular basis, ask your child to show you what they are accessing.
  • Ensure your child knows how to use any reporting/blocking tools on the app that they are using and as always please ensure that your child knows to talk to a trusted adult if they see anything that concerns them online.

Further information

Please also see the attached for more information from the 'National Online Safety' organisation.