Our Curriculum
At Alma Primary every member of the school community is involved in learning and improving. Learning experiences at Alma Primary are designed to achieve educational excellence and focused on enabling children to develop their understanding, expand their knowledge and acquire twenty-first century skills in order to thrive in our dynamic society.
Our curriculum carefully blends key skills areas such as mathematics, English, technology, Ivrit (modern Hebrew) and PE, with a wider knowledge base and understanding of Science, Jewish studies, History, Geography and the arts. Learning is based on exploration, creation, investigation and discussion. Progress is monitored through on-going assessment, giving each child both the challenge and the support that they need in order to maximise their learning.
The school encourages a balanced teaching methodology where varied approaches are used depending on the needs of pupils. Learning is enjoyable and lessons are devised to stimulate and inspire children. Feedback and a positive approach to learning enable pupils to feel confident and competent. They are encouraged to understand and appreciate their own talents, strengths and challenges and to be sensitive to those of others. The school's approach to SEN and gifted and talented ensure that children across the whole spectrum of ability are supported to achieve their best. Teachers and LSAs provide role models as well-rounded individuals who are excited by learning, love teaching the children and are committed to help every child reach their full potential.
You can find out more about how children at Alma learn by exploring separate articles on Ivrit, English, Maths, Science, PSHE and Computing at Alma.